Articles, I wrote on MEDIUM

Here are some articles that I wrote on the medium about python Django and GIT. Hope it will be useful for you.

GIT — Conventional Commits

Conventional Commits are a set of guidelines for structuring and formatting commit messages in a consistent and standardized way. This specification aims to make it easier to read and understand commit messages, particularly in the context of automated tooling and workflows for GIT.

Django — Model Manager

Whenever we use the Django ORM to query a model, we use the model manager to interact with the database. Model Managers are said to act on the full set of all instances of this model class( all the data in the table ) to restrict the ones you want to work with.

Django Best Security Practices

Django has a pretty good security record. This is due to security tools provided by Django, solid documentation on the subject of security, and a thoughtful team of core developers who are responsible to security issues.